Matthew Ahrenstein bio photo

Matthew Ahrenstein

DevSecOps Engineer for an amazing company, hiker, amateur radio operator, target shooter, developer, and cryptocurrency enthusiast.

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I know, not only has it been two years since the last time I posted on this site, but some posts were even moved to Route 1337. This post will hopefully explain why I’ve been so absent from my own site, and how I plan to change that.

I’ve left this site up and running for the last two years without an update because I’ve been quite busy with the work at my day job. I really dove in to an organization working on something I’m extremely passionate about; end user security. After almost two years there I have decided to move on to something different for a change of pace.

Additionally I’ve been working on forming an LLC to manage some open source code and tutorials. You may have noticed that the very tutorials I used to have on this website now reside on Route 1337. I put some thought in to this and have decided that my personal projects are best served as open source code handled by a legal entity. In the future this will allow me to accept donations for the projects and also allow me to distribute some of this money to anyone who makes a major contribution to these projects. This company will also provide free tutorials related to DevOps and IT.

So you may be wondering what happens next for this site. will probably be updated more often than Route 1337 as it becomes a place for me to share my personal opinions on topics related to things other than just my career in DevOps. I’m sure I’ll post plenty of tech related opinions too, but I wanted a place to expand beyond the focus of IT and in to other things. Two-way radio, mobile devices, video games, hiking, science, random reviews, and other things. I will most likely avoid political opinions as the nature of politics have just become too polarized.

I’m looking forward to updating this site a little more often and I’m also looking forward to the next project I open source on Route 1337. Make sure to keep an eye on both sites.